PICO Collaboration, 05/11/2013
First collaboration meeting at Montréal of the newly formed PICO collaboration (PICASSO + COUPP)
Prof. Stephen Hawking visits PICASSO 15/09/2012

Trip Montréal - SNOLAB! 04/08/2008
Marie-Cécile, Sujeewa and Simon with summer students Yvonne, Étienne and Fabrice

Thesis defense of Razvan! 19/12/2007

First collaboration meeting at Montréal of the newly formed PICO collaboration (PICASSO + COUPP)

Prof. Stephen Hawking visits PICASSO 15/09/2012
Trip Montréal - SNOLAB! 04/08/2008
Marie-Cécile, Sujeewa and Simon with summer students Yvonne, Étienne and Fabrice

Thesis defense of Razvan! 19/12/2007